

EquiArtPG (formerly known as HASCC) is still coming a long way around to what it will be someday. This website is my not-so-small-anymore-HA-RPG-project and my main goal is to find my own type of roleplay/sim horse game which satisfies me and provide the HA-RPG community a place where all the organization and calculation around our pixel horses is easier to handle and for having fun playing :)
I started this project on 9th February 2021 (hope it will be someday a day we can celebrate as a community here ^^) and didn't really have much in mind. The first prototype of EquiArtPG was a google sheet file, which provided an easier way to calculate unique stat values for HA-RPG horses. But it quickly became clear that it doesn’t make the whole organization much easier if you can’t save your inputs. So one day I decided to create my whole website - But it was my very first website and my very first time coding and I really hadn’t any clue how HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL are working. Well, it was clearly an up and down ride between success and frustration :D. Now the project is available under Not sure how much I already worked on this website and still will - I mean what's 10 hours on a Sunday? Mostly enough time to solve one problem by trial and error. I’m glad I have my best partner ChatGPT since 2023, this AI really improved the whole project a lot and gave me the knowledge to try out new things.

For the curious people: I work with Dreamweaver, WinSCP, phpMyAdmin and Bootstrap. All artworks seen on this website are created by me.

So far about the background of this project. Let’s shape some visions and facts I have for EquiArtPG.

Import Guide

If you want to use an already existing roleplay horse or you want to create a new starter horse do an -> import.

First of all, before importing a horse character you must have the artwork done and uploaded to DeviantArt.

This is the link to the deviation.

This is the image url.

Now click on "check submission" and the system checks if the links are from DeviantArt and from your account.

If everything went right you will see your artwork and get an approve text below.

After you uploaded the horse image you can continue with the next step:

Enter the base information about your horse.
Horse name: many special characters like ' or * are allowed for the Name. You are able to edit the horse name after the registration.
Gender: you can choose traditionally between stallion and mare. After the registration you can neuter the horse. Stallions become geldings and mares become sterilized mares.
Height: the website uses the metric system. However I added a converter from cm in hh
Age: you can import a newborn, foal, adult or senior horse. Be aware you are not able to reduce the age of your horse. You can only age it +1 year until it reaches 40 years as maximum age. You decide when your horse will die. A deceased horse is not gone. All information remains on the website and the horse can be found on the rainbow bridge.

Every imported horse (as well as new born foals) are considered as not registered breed. Means you can name the breed of your horse freely. It can be a fictional breed which isnt included into EquiArtPG, a certain cross between two breeds or a realistic breed which is not part of the website. As long as you don't registered your horse successful for system breed you are allowed the change the breed name.
All existing breeds can be found in world -> breed registry

This is the important part for the breed system. The breed types are considered as the blood of your horses ancestors and should be seen as the body type not the actual breed.

Thoroughbred: all light build and ancient breeds like arabian, barb, thoroughbreds, Turkoman belongs here
Warmblood: all horses with sporty build typically known as warmbloods like Australian Warmbloods, Irish Sport Horse, Trakehner. Warmbloods are the result of crossings between Thoroughbreds and unknown european origin breeds.
Gaited Type: Gaited Type horses like American Saddlebred or Paso Fino have similar ancestors like the norfolk trotter or Narragansett Pacer. Those horses are known for much movement action and even special gaits.
Working type: The working type, also known as stock type, are the typical build of western horses like the American Quarter Horse or Paint Horse. Back in history the well-known american breeds like Mustangs and Morgans are just the result of feral european horses, mostly spanish horses but also warmbloods, thoroughbreds and gaited types. The natural environment and the needs of the folks designed a body build for working and performing.
Baroque type: also known in history as spanish or iberian horses has a similar long story than the thoroughbreds. Today they all appear in a heavy, but elegant body build. They are also the outcome of war horses.
Heavy Type: the heavy type include cob typed horses and heavy build warmbloods. Means heavier than a warmblood and working type, but without a baroque like arched neck and wavy mane and long tail. Like Irish Draughts.
Draft type: every coldblooded, really heavy build horse. Like Shire Horse or Percherons.
Pony type: every horse under 148cm is considered a pony type. This can be also light build small horses like the Kathiawari or heavy build ponies like Shetland Pony.
Wild equines: wild equine ancestors have equines like zebras or donkeys.

Now we come to the fun part, the mixing:
Mixing up different types end up in a big variation of horse exteriors and interiors. Because breed influences have impact on the horses stats too.

Trakehner = Light build warmblood
Example types: 75% Warmblood, 25% Thoroughbred
French Trotter = Gaited Racing horse
Example types: 50% Gaited type x 50% Thoroughbred
Sporty Mule = horse donkey cross
50% Warmblood x 50% wild equine
Haflinger (traditional build)
75% Heavy x 25% Pony
Haflinger (sporty build)
50% Warmblood, 25% Heavy Build, 25% Pony

And now it's the artist turn to decide how they look when they are influenced with different types.

The body build determine what type have the most influence of the horses exterior. Besides this it helps to create certain pony/small horse breeds.

100% Thoroughbred with medium build can be a Barb
100% Thoroughbred with light build can be an Arabian

100% Pony type with light build can be a Kathiawari

100% Pony type with medium build can be a Welsh Pony

100% Pony type with heavy build can be a Shetland Pony.

Please try to stay realistic and avoid combinations like 100% Warmblood with draft build.

Here you enter the color genes of your horse. The coat color text below shows you how the coat color is named you have entered.
I simplified the coat color system to make it workable for breeding. It's not 100% realistic, but I tried to keep it realistic as possible.

In case you important a horse with existing pedigree you are allowed to enter the name and link of the ancestors (2 generations) here.
If one or more ancestors of the horse are already registered at EquiArtPG you still enter their names and link their equiart-page or the character reference page from DeviantArt.
After the registration is done you can connect the parents over EquiArtPG.
Note: if one of the parents are already part of EquiArtPG its easier to create the horse via breeding instead of import it.

Always count all ancestors (must be a roleplay horse - no real horses, no fictional non roleplay horses) of the horse and enter the number here. Even it's just two known ancestors. It's important for grading.

Here you can choose the main discipline/job of your horse. It has an impact on the stat calculation.

Those are just a handful of existing disciplines.

To flesh out your character more you can choose 3 good skills, but you need to choose 3 bad skills too. This has a small impact on the stats calculation.

Example: if you have a hard to handle, fiery racing horse you can boost up stats like speed, endurance or bravery and decrease stats like handling, trust and social.

After that you see the forecast of your horses stats. Breed types, discipline/job and skills & flaws have impact on it.
Try to create your horse according to it's character and story not according to the points. Those points are not set in stone and are just where you start with the horse.

Here you can choose the main personality or mood of your horse. You can change the personality freely. It doesnt have an impact on training, shows or grading.

Before you proceed and register your horse you need to agree the terms. The shown text is not complete and kind of placeholder yet.

After you click the button your horse is registered and you get to your horses page.

Calculating Artworks


✔ Mark and select all options who feel right for you
• Lineart: just a sketch or clean lines
• Flat colors: only one layer of color
• Color layering: colors painted on top if each other to get more texture/color variety
• Simple shading: shading like or similar to cell shading/soft shading
• Detailed shading: shading depths and working with highlighting
• Rendering/light effect: light and shadow is composed for the entire artwork
• Simple animation: make some small parts of an image moving (e.x. Eyes blinking, ears switching, tail wiping)
• Advanced animation: make big parts of an image moving (e.x. head turning, walking, running, kick with one leg)

• Headshot: just the head is visible
• Half body: the half body is visible (head + body without legs)
• Fullbody: the body is fully seen
• Rider/human: there is at least one rider or handler in the image
• Horse tack: a horse wears at least a halter
• Multiple horses/humans: more than one horse or human is in the artwork (can be ticked when: two horses visible, one horse with two humans, two humans)

• No Background: the artwork has no background or only an unicolored Background
• Photo Background: the background is a photo
• Simple background: the background is drawn and there is an environment/location recognizable
• Advanced Background: the background shows clearly a certain environment/location
• Detailed Background: the background is filled with details like a building or/and animals/humans/creatures

• Does the horse interact with something?: Can be ticked if the horse is shown doing some certain activity like jumping over obstacle, interacting with a human or item
• Are there other creatures: are there other creatures than horses in the image like dogs, cats, dragons,...
• Group artwork: the image is about two or more horses for which you want to calculate the image too. The point result will be decreased for each horse.

✔ Artworks of horses who aren't a training images will still evaluated as such
✔ Literatures of horses who aren't about training will still evaluated as such
✔ Deviations which has both (artwork and literature) can be calculated twice for one horse: once as artwork and once as literature.
✔ Competition artwork/literate will be calculated after the competition is over the the placements are announced
✔ Group images of HASCC registered horses can be calculated for each horse shown (tick "Do you want this artwork calculated for more than one horse?")
✔ If you combined a literature and a artwork in one deviation, you are allowed to calculate this deviation twice (as artwork and literature)
✔ You are allowed to delete and recalculate the improvements of your horse
✔ You are allowed to use AI generated backgrounds as long the background works as background and not as a center piece.
✔ You can use the link to the main page of your horses for Deviantart (as point tracker)


✖ Don't rate your artworks just to get the highest point score, be honest to yourself
✖ Don't calculate artworks for horses who aren't shown.
✖ Don't calculate literatures for horses who aren't mentioned.
✖ Don't give away your pin code
✖ Don't include links from third partie website who are not publicity visible and require registration/sign in to be shown.
✖ Don't use AI to create whole artworks/stories or center elements.

Login & Submission

Registration of a new user/stable will be possible with invite codes in future. You will get a random generated access pin to your account. This pin can’t changed. In the worse case of loss you can contact me and I will recover your pin and send them on your e-mail.

It is important to say that this is a hobby, one-person project and is not created to generate any real life currency income nor to satisfy any other person to 100% except for the developer. The use of the website will be based on trust, because of my less knowledge about coding I will probably not be able to create a bulletproof and anti-cheat website. Just keep in mind: this is not a professional website.